Harris Hawks

Latin Name:  Parabuteo unicinctus

Native to the central Americas and with a range spreading further into North America, these majestic raptors are a sight to behold. Did you know there are two subspecies of Harris Hawks? The Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi, commonly known as the Harris Hawk, and the Parabuteo unicinctus unicinctus, also known as the Bay-Winged Hawk.

With a population decline, it's more important than ever to appreciate and protect these incredible birds. The Latin name Parabuteo unicinctus translates to "similar to a buzzard with a single stripe," a fitting description for these magnificent creatures.

In the wild, Harris Hawks prey on a variety of small animals, showcasing their impressive hunting skills.

They range in length from 46 – 76cm and generally have a wingspan of 1.1 metres or 3.6ft.
The Harris Hawk has dark plumage with chestnut shoulders and long yellow legs. They are formally known as the Bay winged hawk.

Discover the fascinating world of the Harris Hawk and let us share our passion for these amazing birds of prey. Come and join us for a hands-on experience you'll never forget!

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